This is a useful tool for working out how you can create the greatest possible value for your customers.In business, we're paid to take raw inputs, and to "add value" to them by turning them into something of worth to other people. This is easy to see in manufacturing, where the manufacturer "adds value" by taking a raw material of little use to the end-user (for example, wood pulp) and converting it into something that people are prepared to pay money for. These improvements can result in either cost savings or improved productive capacity. The end result is that customers derive the most benefit from the product for the cheapest cost, which improves the company's bottom line in the long run.
1. Deeper understanding of customer needs & expectations.
identify, map out needs and opportunities to serve and respond to the different “customers” in your case all the beneficiaries of Solid Whole Men, and business people in the market-place.In this case your customers go beyond the men and women in their lives who are really the direct "customers" but internal ones (Staff) and third parties e.g. suppliers, community, government and other Transform nations affiliates and associates.
2. Clearer understanding of processes at;
a) individual -Problem solving is one of the leadership skills that successful business professionals and entrepreneurs are expected to have, yet many struggle with the simplest of decisions. What makes solving daily problems so natural for one person and such a struggle for the next
b) Departmental and cooperate levels. -Fortunately, problem solving and decision making are skills that can be improved upon, studied, and mastered. By learning specific problem solving and decision making techniques, you can see problems sooner and make decisions faster. This allows you to make more confident decisions in your job, and gives you more control over the happiness and productivity in every part of your life.
3. Process ownership.
A process owner is the person who has the authority to determine how a process operates, and the responsibility to make sure it continues to meet customer and business needs today and into the future. This is a role that no company can afford to overlook if it wants to be world class.
4. Synergy
Synergetic results come from a culture that enables an organization to integrate its diverse skills and capabilities in a way that makes it possible to achieve outstanding results that were unpredictable when looking at each division of the organization independently. Simply put, it's efficiency at its absolute best.
5. Team work
Teamwork enables you to accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently than tackling projects individually. Cooperating together on various tasks reduces workloads for all employees by enabling them to share responsibilities or ideas. Teamwork also reduces the work pressure on every worker, which allows him to be thorough in the completion of the assigned roles. In sharing ideas or responsibilities, every employee should have a role that suits his specialization.
6. Proactive innovation
This means creating a few well-defined problems, challenges or opportunities and creating a brainstorm or other method to submit ideas based on these defined challenges. Creating a context for your team and directing their thinking as they begin to innovate is important. The context helps them understand what kind of ideas your firm needs, draws bright lines to help direct scope and thinking, and demonstrates how the ideas will be used – showing that they have value. Actively seeking ideas early in the process demonstrates commitment to the innovation process as well.
7. High motivation & Productivity
Motivation and productivity are twin concepts in organizational development. First, motivation works as the means toward attaining productivity as an end. Another point: Motivation is the best cause to reach productivity as a favorable effect. Lastly, motivation is the stimulus to trigger productivity as a response. All these are concrete connections between the two factors.